microscopes image

To collect, preserve and display artefacts of a medical nature

Our New Location

The entire Museum Collection has now been successfully relocated to our new site at Innovation Park, 185 Kirk Road. Please refer to the map for directions.

Map of Templeton

Over 1,200 cartons and containers, along with other items, were moved to the new facility, a remarkable achievement made possible by the dedication of our volunteers.

Currently, the volunteers are unpacking the containers and organizing the items on shelves in preparation for cataloguing. This process will provide us with a clearer understanding of the Collection’s contents and the location of each item.

Our new site at Innovation Park serves as the Trust’s ‘Collections and Research Facility’, offering excellent research space for both visitors and the development of future displays.

Excitingly, discussions are ongoing about establishing a new Medical Museum near the City Centre. This project will allow this incredible collection to be made available for public exhibition.

Directions to Innovation Park and Cotter Medical History Research and Collection Store at Agri Magic Building.

Agri Magic directions
New loaction building

What's New?

OBJECTS... some new, others restored.

The Cotter Medical History Museum

The museum holds items belonging to The Cotter Medical History Trust founded by Christchurch surgeon, the late Pat Cotter. The collection included historic artefacts, photographs, books and documents relating to all aspects of health care: surgery, medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, laboratory and administration. A considerable asset is Pat’s collection of biographical notes on over 1,000 Canterbury doctors.

The Trust maintains static displays in Christchurch’s hospitals, clinics, health centres and laboratories. The Stephen Clark Microscope Collection in the public foyer of the University of Otago, Christchurch, is an outstanding exhibit. Many more microscopes from this collection are held in the museum.

In 2017 the Cotter Medical History Museum’s collection was designated as being of National Significance by the Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa.

At the Isaac Conservation and Wildlife Heritage Trust’s Heritage Village The Cotter Medical History Trust has equipped a school dental clinic and a house with a 1940s doctor’s surgery, operating theatre and medical and nursing exhibits.


We rely on volunteers to manage and preserve the museum’s collection and to publish books on New Zealand’s medical history using the museum’s resources.
We would greatly appreciate monetary donations to help us continue in this venture. We are a Registered Charity No. CC38402.

Donations and payments for books can be made through SBS account no. 031355 0557857 00


We wish to acknowledge the assistance given by the following organisations during our shift to Innovation Park. We are most grateful for their assistance as we further develop the Collection for the future.
  • Rookwood Holdings Ltd
  • Victor Packaging Ltd
  • Chaos Collectables
  • NHR Rentals